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Path substitution
Updated 25 Oct 2021
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QuArK Information Base
1. Introduction to QuArK
1.3. Configuration and Options
1.3.2. Games Path substitution

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When configuring games, often you need to specify a gamepath. In order to not have to copy-paste this path all over the place, QuArK supports path substitution. For example, instead of  +set fs_game C:\Quake3  you can use  +set fs_game %gamedir% . QuArK will substitute/expand the  %gamedir%  when calling the external tool.

Table of tokens

 %output% The output path.
 %grouppath% The path where files belonging to a group are stored (Torque).
 %buildpgmsdir% The path where the tool is installed (only applicable to external tools).
 %mappath% The path where QuArK writes the output map file.
 %mapfile% The path and filename with file extension of the output map file.
 %mapfile_wrongslash% Some tools don't accept the right type of slashes in filepaths; this token is the same as  %mapfile% , but with the type of slashes set incorrectly on purpose.
 %file% The path and filename without file extension of the output map file.
 %filename% The filename without file extension of the output map file.
 %fullfilename% The filename with file extension of the output map file.
 %basepath% The path where the game's content is stored.
 %gamedir% The path where the game is installed.
 %basedir% The directory where the game's content is stored.
 %quarkpath% The path where QuArK is installed.

If the game has Steam-support, these additional tokens are available:

 %sourcesdkdir% The directory where the Source SDK tools are located inside the user's SteamApps directory.
 %steampath% The path where Steam is installed.
 %steamappid% The Steam AppID.
 %steamgamedir% The directory where the game is located inside the user's SteamApps directory.
 %steamuser% The Steam username.
 %steamcommon% The Steam Common directory's name.

Note: Some of these tokens change values when you enable the "Run tools from base directory" option.

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