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Updated 11 Nov 2020
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1.3. Configuration and Options

 1.3.3. Map

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Decker - 05 Apr 2018   [ Top ] 

To get the most out of the map-editor, you can here specify how the mouse should act when you do certain operations to it, like pressing a button and dragging.

It is highly recommended that you familiarize yourself with these mouse-settings, or redefine them if you like. But you should experiment with them in the map-editor, to get a feel of what they are doing.

However you should be aware that the mouse-modes toolpalette sometimes will overrule the settings you've choosen in this setup-folder.


Decker - 05 Apr 2018   [ Top ] 

Some functions in the map-editor map-views can also be accompilshed by pressing keys. In this settings-folder, you can see and redefine keys for the actions shown here.


Decker - 05 Apr 2018   [ Top ] 

A lot of things in the map-editor is controlled in this folder. A brief overview will be given here, but you should experiment with the settings yourself, to get a knowledge of what they do and if you can use them to something usefull.

Draw axis . If the X, Y and Z-axis through coordinate 0,0,0 (center of map) should be drawn.

Show indirect 'target' links . Shows with colored arrows, what a selected entity has as 'targets', and their 'targets', and their 'targets', and their 'targets', and their 'targets', etc. etc. etc. Having this on, can really slow down map-drawing in the map-editor, if you got a lot of 'targets'. It is recommended to only have this checked, when you want to see that its all connected.

Both red lines . Turn on a second set of red-guidiance lines.

Cross-like cursor . If you're doing precision work, its better to have a cross instead of the arrow-shaped mouse-cursor.

Auto adjust normal . It's about the face "normal" vectors as well as the entities' "angle" vectors drawn in the map editor. When you move them with the mouse, if this box is checked, it gets forced to the nearest multiple of 15 degrees (15 is the default value and can be changed) just as if you were holding down the Ctrl key all the time.

Delete unused faces . Unless you know what you're doing, keep this marked at all times.

Dig in 3D views . To see what a digger or negative polyhedron will do to your level in the 3D-windows, keep this checked.

Hide faces in tree . Check this, if you do not want to be able to expand polyhedrons showing its faces, in the tree-view. If you are working with shared-faces, uncheck this.

Hint for map handles . Keep this checked, or you will not be able to get the great flyover-hintboxes on handles.

Don't write //TX# in .map . If you do not use build tools that are custommade for QuArK, you won't be able to take advantage of the better texture-alignment, when compiling your map. This option must be unchecked when you use TXQBSP/TXQCSG build tools.


Decker - 11 Nov 2020   [ Top ] 

Controls some default values, that will affect your map-making.

Def. brush with entities . Select the size of a default cube you want, when creating a new entity.

Wall width (for Make Hollow) . The default thickness in units, the make hollow action should result in.

Force angle to (degrees) . The closest minimum degree angle, a rotation should snap to.

NormalizeColors . Many games normalize color-specifics, so that only the relative RGB-values matter. In order for the coloring to match while editing, QuArK does this too. Turn off this option to disable this behavior.


Decker - 05 Apr 2018   [ Top ] 

The options in this settings-folder, controls mainly the grid in the map-views. Experiment with them if you like.


Decker - 05 Apr 2018   [ Top ] 

So you don't like the default colors? Then change them here!

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