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GUI Window
Updated 29 Aug 2020
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3.7.2. GUI Window |
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GUI Window Basics |
Tiglari - 05 Apr 2018 | [ Top ] |
Since one reason for getting involved in QuArK development is to learn something about GUI (Graphical User Interface) programming, I thought I'd start at the beginning - if you want to learn it, you probably don't know it already. People with GUI experience will want to skip this. One of the fundamental ideas of GUI programs is 'window'. is a region (typically a rectangle) on the screen that is looked after by some code. The job of this code is to;
So a 'button' is a little window that draws a picture that looks something like a button in an 'up position', but if a mouse-button is pressed down while the mouse cursor is in the window, the picture will change to that of a button in a down position, and some additional code will get executed that does whatever pressing the button is supposed to accomplish. These windows are arranged in a vast familial hierarchy: an 'application' (main program) has a main window which has as 'child windows' all of the other windows that the application throws up. So for example when the application is closed, a shut-down message is sent to its children, and so on to their children, so if everything is correctly coded, all the windows will vanish from the screen. Likewise windows can 'delegate' tasks to their parents, for example an 'edit window' in a dialog box can delegate processing of an ESC or Enter keypress to its parent dialog box, to close the dialog and throw away or record the results of the dialog. Happily for the Python coder, Delphi code manages all of the details of this, but it's probably good to have at least this much of an idea of what's going on under the hood. |
Dialog Boxes |
Tiglari - 29 Aug 2020 | [ Top ] |
Window Structure So the basic structure of a dialog box is: Floating Window -> Main Panel -> DataForm (positions the whole (positions the (does the real thing) controls) work) (Main Panel because floating windows can have more than once panel, as we will see eventually). The qmacro.dialogbox code sets all this up for you, but I think it's good to know this much about it at the beginning. Defining a Dialog A dialog is defined as a class, descended from either quarkpy.qmacro.dialogbox, or some class descended therefrom (see quarkpy.qeditor and quarkpy.dlgclasses for some examples of the latter technique). MakeTexMultDlg is based directly on dialogbox, so it starts out like this: class MakeTexMultDlg (quarkpy.qmacro .dialogbox): # # dialog layout # size = (265, 70) dfsep = 0.2 # separation at 20% between labels and edit boxes dlgflags = FWF_KEEPFOCUS On the first line we see the standard Python syntax for defining a class descended from another (the spacing before the periods doesn't matter, some coders stick it in; others leave it out); then after a comment comes an assortment of attributes for the dialog. Size is obvious, 'dfsep' is a dataform property. Dataforms are organized in two columns, labels on the left, and input controls on the right. The 'Txt' attribute in a :form object says what to put in the label column. Dfsep gives the percentage of the total width of the dataform that gets devoted to the label. Then comes 'dlgflags', which are ultimately passed on to the floating window, so they start with 'FWF_'. For a list, see quarkpy.qutils.py. If you don't specify any dlgflags, the dialogbox code gives you FWF_KEEPFOCUS | FWF_POPUPCLOSE by default. Next comes the 'dialog definition', dlgdef: dlgdef = """ { Style = "15" Caption = "Texture Wrapping Multiplier" mult: = { Txt = "Multiplier" Typ = "EF1" Hint = "Needn't be an integer; if it's 0, no multiplier is set" } close:py = { } } """ This is just a form, represented in .qrk format. The value to be assigned to dlgdef begins with triple double quotes, and ends with them too, because it's a multi-line string. Note that it can happily contain ordinary solo double quotes. A detailed description of the Typ items that it uses is located in the Guide to Typ's section of these docs. A very important thing to know and remember about this is how to use a Python defined variable within this triple double quotes area. First the variable, which can also be a stored setting, must be defined before and outside of the above area like this: NbrOfLines = "10" mesh_shader: = {Typ="M" Rows = """ + chr(34) + NbrOfLines + chr(34) + """ Scrollbars="1" Txt = "mesh shader" Hint="Contains the full text of this skin texture's shader, if any."$0D "This can be copied to a text file, changed and saved." } It starts out with a style and a caption; the style is a number obtained by adding these flags (from quarkpy.qutils): # "style" of ":form" objects (convert the numeric value into a string to assign to "style") GF_GRAY = 1 GF_EXTRASPACE = 2 GF_NOICONS = 4 GF_NOBORDER = 8 Then comes one field, a single floating point value called mult:, and finally a button, of which more shortly. There are a number of gotchas for forms:
Other than buttons, almost everything that works in an entity form will work in a dialog box form, and vice versa, I think (it would take a long time to test them all!!). One other exceptions is checkboxes: in entity forms, you can have Typ = "X4", say to control the third bit position, but in dialog boxes only Typ = "X" works, this gives you an variable that's nonzero iff the box is checked, zero otherwise. So you can use most of the Typ types that you understand to build dialog box forms, one that's rather useful for making a bit of extra horizontal space is a separator like this: sep: = {Typ="S" Txt=" "} The Txt part has three formats you can use: 1) Txt="" gives a horizontal line separator 2) Txt=" " just separates with a blank area (note the space) 3) Txt="Your Label" will print the text in bold lettering So next comes initialization of the dialog box object: # # __init__ initialize the object # def __init__(self, form, editor): # # General initialization of some local values # self.editor = editor self.sellist = self .editor .visualselection () This is the beginning of a Python 'constructor' a function that makes an instance of a class (think of a class as a template or factory for making objects; you call the constructor as a function to make an instance of the object). In Python, functions that get special treatment tend to start and end with double underscores, as here with __init__. To make this dialog box, you write: MakeTexMultDlg(quarkx.clickform, editor) Python then calls the ReplaceTextureDlg class's __init__ function to set up the dialog object. The first is by convention 'self', referring to the object (the rule is that the first argument is the object; the convention is to call it 'self'). The second argument 'form' is meant to be the parent window of the dialog, quarkx.clickform sets it to be the last window that got clicked in (e.g. the one you clicked in to bring up the dialog). The remaining arguments depend solely on what we want the dialog to do, here we're just passing 'editor'. Next comes some real setup code: we attach the editor and its current visualselection() (the stuff that's in funny colors due to being selected, not selected faces in a selected poly) to the dialog as data members (this allows other methods of the dialog class to act on them as desired). Now comes the crucial step of 'creating the data source': # # Create and fill the data source # src = quarkx.newobj(":") # make it src["mult"] = 0, # fill it editor.texmult = self # attach dialog to editor self.src = src # attach src to dialog The heart of a dialog box is its DataForm, which connects stuff on the screen to a QObject. src is the QObject that the dialogbox will do this for. So first we make it, and then we fill it. The comma after the 0 is not typo, but a gotcha: EFn Typ's expect a Python tuple as their filler, and the comma here is how you make a singleton tuple (I had a *lot* of trouble before getting straight on that one!). Finally we want the editor to have some way of knowing what multiplier we set; this is acheived in this case by attaching the dialog to the editor, and then the source to the dialog, so that multiplier can be gotten by this line elsewhere in maptagside: multiplier, = editor.texmult.src["mult"] Note the comma again, for pulling the solo value out of a singleton tuple (actually if you're looking at maptagside from QuArK511 or earlier, there's something a bit different done, since this was my first dialog box and I knew less about what I was doing). editor.texmult.src["mult"] returns the value of the specific "mult" for the src QObject of the editor, and by the automagical powers of the dialogbox's dataform, this will be whatever you currently have typed in there. The next step is to call the code from quarkpy.qmacro.dialogbox that actually puts all this together and makes the stuff: # # Create the dialog form and the buttons # quarkpy.qmacro.dialogbox.__init__(self, form, src, close = quarkpy.qtoolbar.button( self.close, # method called on push "close this box", # hint ico_editor, 0, # icon source, icon # "Close")) # caption We're here calling quarkpy.qmacro.dialogbox's own __init__ function, as an ordinary function, so we pass it's first argument as 'self'. So it will set up the dataform, etc, attaching more stuff to our dialog box instance. We also pass through the form argument, as well as the src we've created. And finally a list of buttons (here just one). The field are explained; for each 'buttonname:py' in the Dlgdef, we have to have buttonname = ... passed to the initialization. These equalities here are an aspect of Python's very flexible parameter-passing mechanism, which I won't explain here. And finally, we have to define any methods used by the dialog; here there's only one, onclose(), which the quarkpy.dialogbox code causes to be executed when the dialog closes for the purpose of cleaning things up. def onclose(self, dlg): requestmultiplier.state=qmenu.normal self.editor.texmult = None quarkpy.qmacro.dialogbox(self, close) The onclose() method requires two arguments, the dialog 'self', and its floating window 'dlg', and should also call the qmacro.dialogbox.onclose method, so that the cleanup organized by that occurs. Here the additional work is done of restoring the menu item to normal, and detaching the dialog from the editor. It's a simple example of a 'callback' function; as we'll see, the dialog initialization code passes it to the floating window, and then when the floating window shuts down, it runs this function, 'calling back' into the module that provided it. But we don't have to define a close() method, since that's already taken care of in the qmacro.dialogbox code. So finally, how do we make this dialog box? That's done by this little code: def WrapMultClick(m): editor = mapeditor() if editor is None: return if requestmultiplier.state==qmenu.checked: # requestmultiplier.state=qmenu.normal editor.texmult.close(None) else: requestmultiplier.state=qmenu.checked MakeTexMultDlg(quarkx.clickform,editor) This is a toggle; requestmultiplier is a menu item, if its state is checked, the dialog's close function is called, which unchecks the menu item (the earlier version just unchecked the menu item but left the dialog floating; if you prefer that behavior, move the comment #). But if it's normal (unchecked), then it gets checked *and* the dialog is called up. The menu item can be defined after the function that refers to it because the function gets called later (when a menu item is clicked). So there's a walk thru a small but complete box (tho a bit unusual in its mode of operation). A few more general points on the dialogs. First, the dialogbox definition sets up two callbacks, whereby things can be made to happen when something is done to the window, plus the close method: def datachange(self, df): # called when the data is changed def onclose(self, dlg): # called on closing def close(self) # effects closing Datachange() doesn't do anything in qmacro.dialogbox, so the original doesn't need to be called if you override it, but close() and onclose() do do things, so should have their originals called. Second, the dialog boxes are inherently 'modeless'. That means that when you call one, the program doesn't wait for you to enter a value before proceeding. If you want to fake modal behavior, by having something happen after you've provided some values and closed the box, you have to pass the action you want performed as a parameter to the dialog box. The texture positioning dialog in maptexpos.py illustrates this and various other advanced techniques. |
Floating Windows |
Tiglari - 05 Apr 2018 | [ Top ] |
A QuArK dialog box is just a restricted kind of floating window; so now it's time to look into the code that defines them and see how floating windows work in general. dialog boxes are defined as a class in quarkpy.qmacro; the definition starts out like this: class dialogbox: dlgdef = "" size = (300,170) begincolor = None endcolor = None name = None dfsep = 0.6 dlgflags = qutils.FWF_KEEPFOCUS | qutils.FWF_POPUPCLOSE Here we're just providing default values for the various things that can be defined when a more specific type of dialog is created as a subclass. Now comes the most important method of this class, its constructor (which we have already invoked as part of the constructor of the texture multiplier dialag): def __init__(self, form, src, **buttons): name = self.name or self.__class__.__name__ closedialogbox(name) f = quarkx.newobj("Dlg:form") f.loadtext(self.dlgdef) The first three parameters are self-explanatory (if you've read through dialogs.txt), the last is the magic for dealing with the buttons, don't worry about it now. Next we derive a name for the box, and close any already opened one with the same name (closedialogbox() is defined elsewhere in quarkpy.qmacro). And now something interesting happens; we create an actual form object, and then load in whatever text has wound up assigned to dlgdef. loadtext is actually one of the methods of QObjects (QuArK internal objects); it would not be amiss to look it up in Quarkx.rtf. And so here's our next chunk of code: self.f = f for pybtn in f.findallsubitems("", ':py'): pybtn["sendto"] = name self.buttons = buttons dlg = form.newfloating(self.dlgflags, f["Caption"]) The first line simply stores the form we've made as a data member of the dialog, the next three are button-processing magic, and finally we create our new floating window. If you look up newfloating() in quarkx.rtf, you'll see that it's a method of window objects (the one that was passed as the form argument), which takes as first argument a bunch of flags, and second a string to use as a caption. f["Caption"] is just an instance of the syntax whereby the value of a specific ("Caption") of a QObject (f), is fetched, so the net result is that whatever we put in as value of the Caption specific of the dlgdef gets passed to the new floating window as its caption. Next comes assorted housekeeping. dialogboxes[name] = dlg dlg.windowrect = self.windowrect() if self.begincolor is not None: dlg.begincolor = self.begincolor if self.endcolor is not None: dlg.endcolor = self.endcolor dlg.onclose = self.onclose dlg.info = self self.dlg = dlg self.src = src dialogboxes is a global variable of quarkpy.qmacros, so this registers our current dialog box as one that is open. Next we set the dimensions of the new floating window (check the qmacro code for how windowrect() works), and attach various further data members to the floating window and the dialog box object. It would be good to look up the things attributed to dlg (the floating window) in Quarkx.rtf. But a warning about some terminological confustion: windows sometimes get called `forms' and are thereby subject to betting confuse with :form objects, but these are inherently different! And now some more interesting stuff: df = dlg.mainpanel.newdataform() self.df = df df.header = 0 df.sep = self.dfsep When floating windows are created, they automatically get a panel, which is accessed as `mainpanel'. And then a panel's newdataform() method will create a new dataform in the panel, the first line gives us the dataform df, a child of the window dlg's main panel. So we've now built the three-level structure mentioned at the beginning of the dialogs tutorial. Now we set some dataform attributes; setting the header to 0 supresses the `specific' and `arg' headers that you see at the top of the columns when entity specifics are displayed in the multi-page panel, then the dfsep attribute of the dialog object is applied to the dataform, where it does its real work. And finally comes the essential setdata method: df.setdata(src, f) This establishes the connection between the screen and the src object we created earlier. The contents of src are displayed in the dataform df, in accordance with the layout specified in the form f. And we conclude with a few more details: df.onchange = self.datachange df.flags = 8 # DF_AUTOFOCUS dlg.show() The onchange method of a dataform is a method that gets executed when the data is changed. So if you want something to happen whenever the data is changed, as in the texture positioning dialog or the `slider' dialog (mapslide), you organize this, for a dialog box, by providing a datachange method. The flags determine aspects of the presentation of the dataform, the available ones are: # dataform flags DF_LOCAL = 1 # prevents screen flashes if changes in this box don't affect anything else DF_AUTOFOCUS = 8 # gets focus when mouse cursor enters And finally, the last line makes it show up on the screen; in GUI programming, things are normally kept hidden until their finished being built, to make things look polished. So here are the remaining methods: def datachange(self, df): pass # abstract def onclose(self, dlg): dlg.info = None dlg.onclose = None # clear refs if self.df is not None: self.df.onchange = None self.df = None self.dlg = None del self.buttons def close(self, reserved=None): self.dlg.close() datachange is defined here in a content-free manner so that there's something to be assigned as the df's onchange method, regardless of whether it's really needed or not. The onclose method sets lots of things to None, in order to prevent circular references from causing memory leaks (see the discussion in Quarkx.rtf). You should have noticed the lines whereby these are passed as callbacks to the floating window and the dataform. close() on the other hand, is not a callback, but calls the floating window's own close() method. Once you understand how dialog boxes are built, you can meddle with them in various ways; so in quarkpy.dlgclasses.py there is defined placepersistent_dialogbox, which remembers where it was last opened (basically by fiddling with windowrect()). And from that is defined LiveEditDlg, which is specialized for controlling things that move in the views as you change the data. And dialog boxes are far from being the only kind of floating window, the face flags window that is obtained for Q2 engine games by RMB|Texture Flags|Flags ... is a substantially different one. Its code is produced by the MapLayout.flagsclick method in quarkpy.mapgr. I won't go over it in detail but just mention a few things. This window doesn't just appear for a while and vanish when you change the selection, but persists, and fills up with appropriate face flag data whenever you select something that has faces. The setup code is bracketted by some bookkeeping that makes sure that there's only one face flags window open at any one time, and then it gets its form from the .qrk files, by code which has the effect that the last .qrk to load that defines a TextureFlag form is the one whose TextureFlag form gets used (so an addon for a game would overrule the basic data for the game). Note that `flist[-1]' designates the last element of flist (think of flist as a circular list, first element being 0). Things should look routine until: df.actionchanging = 596 Part of the df magic is that if a dataform changes any QObject that comes from a file, this change is registered in the undo mechanism, and the actionchanging number is the index of the undo string, defined in quarkpy.qdictionnary. So things burble along thru: self.loadfaceflags(form) ff.show() ff.show()? Well remember that ff is a floating window, not a dialog object, and windows are shown. ff probably for `floating form', because of the window/form terminology confusion mentioned earlier. And we should be able to guess that loadfaceflags is the function that's going to load the face data into ff's dataform, under the control of the TextureFlags form. And if you look at its definition, it's clear that it does this, except there's a bit of a surprise at the end: df.setdata(self.loadtfflist(), form) When you look at loadtfflist(), you find a rather complicated function! Which, in brief, is doing this: The faces in the current selection are gathered into a list. Then the names of the textures in the list are made to be keys for a dictionary, whose values are the textures, and each member of the face list flist is replaced by a pair with the original member first and its texture second. And that's what's returned to be the first argument of setdata. Which is thereby revealed to be even more subtle than suggested so far: it can operate on many objects at once, and display in the form default information provided from a default object rather than the thing being edited itself. Here's what it says in 'QuarkX': setdata(objs) setdata(objs, formobj):
So for example for a face, if the face doesn't have some property but the face's texture specifies a default for that property, the default will be shown in the window. And, automagically, if you edit the specific, the change will be registered undoably in all of the (non-default) objects that have been presented to setdata. Whew. So, finally, how does the form load with data for a new face when the selection changes? Via this method of MapLayout: def selchange(self): if self.faceflags is not None: self.loadfaceflags() self.mpp.resetpage() To finish off, a bit more about panels. Panels can contain more than one control, by being divided into sections. To see how it's done, study panels in Quarkx.rtf, and look at plugins/map3viewslayout.py, which is quite well commented. The basic idea is to divide panels into sectons with statements like: self.mainpanel.sections = ((), (0.4,)) Which says one column, two rows with the top taking up 40% of the space, and: self.ViewXY = self.mainpanel.newmapview() self.ViewXY.section = (0,1) Which creates a map view (another kind of control) in the main panel, and then puts it in the first column (there's only one) of the lower row. Then the code goes on to put a panel in the upper row, and put two more map views into that. |
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