- .AAS
- (binary) A file that contains pathfinding information for bots for Quake-3:Arena games. See Area Awareness System.
- .ACE
- (binary) A compressed archive of files. See http://www.winace.com.
- .ASE
- (binary) An ASCII Scene Export model, used by Doom 3.
- .BMP
- (binary) The Windows Bitmap file format for storing graphical images.
- .BSP
- (binary) A compiled level for the FPS-game. See also bsp and build tools.
- .DDS
- (binary) A DirectDraw surface. Used by DirectX for textures.
- .DEF
- (text) A QERadiant or game definition file. Can not be read by QuArK, see .QRK instead.
- .DLL
- (binary) Dynamic Link Library. Contains executable code, which can be shared/used by many .EXE programs, or one .EXE program can change between different .DLLs to get new functionality.
- .EXE
- (executable) An executable program.
- .FGD
- (text) Forge Game Data for WorldCraft. A game definition file. Can not be read by QuArK, see .QRK instead.
- .FTX
- (binary) A graphics image file format. Used by Heavy Metal: FAKK2.
- .GIF
- (binary) A graphics image file format. Only supports index-palette images up to 256 colors, but has a very good lossless compression method. (GIF stands for "CompuServe Graphics Interchangable Format".)
- .IWD
- (binary) Infinity Ward's container/package file, used by Call of Duty 2.
- .IWI
- (binary) Infinity Ward Image file, used by Call of Duty 2.
- .JPG
- (binary) A graphics image file format. Supports only 24bit-color images. Uses a lossy variable compression method. (JP(E)G stand for "Joint Photographic Experts Group".)
- .MAP
- (text) Generic map file. A ASCII-file containing information for the build tools, how they should produce a .BSP file. A .MAP file is typically generated by a map-editor, and it can be edited using a standard ASCII editor. QuArK can read this format, if it is from one of the supported games. Note; some changes have been made to the .MAP format, since the initial Quake-1 .MAP format.
- .MD2
- (binary) A Quake-2 3D-model with frames that represents different animations.
- .MD3
- (binary) A Quake-3: Arena 3D-model.
- .MDL
- (binary) A Quake-1, Hexen-II or Half-Life 3D-model with frames that represents different animations. They are not interchangeable between the different games!
- .OL
- (binary) A WorldCraft prefabs file. Can not be read by QuArK, see .QRK instead.
- .PAK
- (binary) A container/package file, which contains other types of files in an internal directory structure. Quake-1 was the first FPS which used these types of files. This is the enhanced version of an .WAD file.
- .PCX
- (binary) A graphics image file format. Supports up to 24bit-color (RGB).
- .PK3
- (binary) A container/package file, which actually is a .ZIP file, used by Quake-3:Arena.
- .PK4
- (binary) A container/package file, which actually is a .ZIP file, used by Quake-4.
- .PNG
- (binary) A graphics image file format. Portable Network Graphics.
- .PY
- (program source-text) A Python source-text file.
- .PYC
- (binary) A compiled .PY.
- .QC
- (program source-text) See QuakeC.
- .QKL
- (binary/text) QuArK model file.
- .QKM
- (binary/text) QuArK map file.
- .QRK
- (binary/text) QuArK data file. Can contain all kinds of data. Is saved in either binary- or text-format.
- .QVM
- (binary) Probably stands for Quake Virtual Machine. It's a Quake-3:Arena "game-rules" program, as we know from Quake-1's PROGS.DAT file.
- .RAR
- (binary) A compressed archive of files. See http://www.rarlabs.com.
- .RMF
- (binary) WorldCraft Rich Map Format file. Can not be read by QuArK.
- (text) A Quake-3:Arena "texture"-definition file.
- .TGA
- (binary) A graphics image file format. Supports up to 24/32bit-color (RGBA).
- .VMF
- (binary) Valve's Map Format. Used by the Source Engine.
- .VMT
- (binary) Valve's Material Format. Used by the Source Engine.
- .VTF
- (binary) Valve's Texture Format. Used by the Source Engine.
- .WAD
- (binary) A container file, which contains other files, sometimes only a specific kind of files. Wolfenstein 3D was the first FPS which used these types of files. A .WAD file can not group files into an internal directory structure, use .PAK files instead.
- .WAL
- (binary) A Quake-2 texture file.
- .WAV
- (binary) A sound file.
- .ZIP
- (binary) A compressed archive of files. See http://www.winzip.com.