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Movement tool-palette
Updated 05 Apr 2018
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 Move selection

cdunde - 05 Apr 2018   [ Top ] 

Offsets the selected objects by the distance specified in the toolbar settings 'Movement Configuration' (last button of this toolbar).

 Enlarge/Shrink selection

cdunde - 05 Apr 2018   [ Top ] 

Pressing the first button, will enlarge your selection, with the zoom-factor amount, specified in the 'Movement Configuration'.

Pressing the second button, will shrink your selection, with the zoom-factor amount.

 Shift Left/Right selection

cdunde - 05 Apr 2018   [ Top ] 

Shift the selected vertexes or faces (not dependable for faces) Left or Right by an amount specified in the 'Movement Configuration' (last button of this toolbar).

Shifting Left or Right means moving the selected items by a fixed amount of pixels, negative values shifts the selection to the left, positive values shifts the selection to the right.

 Mirror selection (Symmetry)

cdunde - 05 Apr 2018   [ Top ] 

These buttons will mirror your selection, around its common center. To see the common center of your selected object(s), you must be able to see the 'Linear Drag Handles' of the selection.

The icons from left to right:

  • X-symmetry . Mirror around the selection's common X-axis.
  • Y-symmetry . Mirror around the selection's common Y-axis.
  • Z-symmetry . Mirror around the selection's common Z-axis.

 Rotate selection

cdunde - 05 Apr 2018   [ Top ] 

These buttons will rotate your selection, the amount of degrees specified in the 'Movement Configuration', around its common center. To see the common center of your selected object(s), you must be able to see the linear handles of the selection.

The icons from left to right:

  • Clockwise X-axis rotation . Rotate clockwise around the selection's common X-axis.
  • Anticlockwise X-axis rotation . Rotate anticlockwise around the selection's common X-axis.

  • Clockwise Y-axis rotation . Rotate clockwise around the selection's common Y-axis.
  • Anticlockwise Y-axis rotation . Rotate anticlockwise around the selection's common Y-axis.

  • Clockwise Z-axis rotation . Rotate clockwise around the selection's common Z-axis.
  • Anticlockwise Z-axis rotation . Rotate anticlockwise around the selection's common Z-axis.

 Movement Configuration

cdunde - 05 Apr 2018   [ Top ] 

Pressing this button, will open up the movement configuration box, so you can specify different values for the move-, enlarge-, shift-, inflate/deflate- and rotation-buttons.

Move selection (x,y,z) : Here you specify, the distance in units, the move-button should move the selection with. These values can be both positive and negative. For instance; '+8 -16 0' will move the selection +8 units in X-direction, -16 units in Y-direction and 0 units in Z-direction, from the common center of the selection.

Zoom factor : This value specify by which factor to enlarge/shrink your selection. You can't specify a value lower than '1', but you can specify floating point values like '1.75'.

Shift Left/Right by : By which amount in units, the shif-button should change your selection. A negative value will shift (move) the selection to the left by the number of units specified, and a positive will shift the selection to the right.

Rotation angle : The distance in degrees, the rotation-buttons should rotate your selection. Best values are from 1 to 180, since specifying anything above 180 or negative you could just use the other rotation-button.

Linear Handle settings: Special settings for this editor's Linear Handles.

Linear Handle Setting : larger value makes the editor's handle bigger & visa-versa, default is 4.

Linear Rotation Speed : larger value causes the editor's handle to have faster rotation & visa-versa, default is .057

Skin-view Linear Setting : larger value makes the Skin-view's handle bigger & visa-versa, default is 4.

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