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No Selection RMB menu
Updated 05 Apr 2018
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1. Introduction to QuArK
1.4. Map-editor in QuArK
1.4.3. Right Mouse Button menus No Selection RMB menu

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If you place you mouse cursor over an unused area in one of the 2D or 3D views and click your RMB this is the menu that you will see pop-up. The No Selection RMB menu. On this menu you will find a couple of extended function items that will lead you to some very useful and powerful editing tools.

For these items, we have given them their own Index listing below where you will find full detailed instructions on their capabilities and applications.
Access directly to their Index listing can also be achieved easily, for a quick review, while in the editor by simply placing you cursor over their menu listing and pressing the F1 key twice.



cdunde - 05 Apr 2018   [ Top ] 
Bot Waypointer: This is used to set the paths and actions of game bots, or computer players and is the first of this menus extended items. Detailed information on its use and capabilities can be found in its Index section below.
Unrestrict Selection: When a selection is restricted (see the Containing Groups right-mouse menu), clicking on this will un-restrict the selection and restore things to normal.
Insert map item: This opens the New Map items window. This window contains all of the objects that can be use in the map-views and Tree-view.
Undo or Redo [something]  : This menu item will be active, if you can undo or redo a previous action. The something , will be the action it will undo or redo.
Paste here: This will paste an object, that has been copied, in the view and exact location where the mouse cursor was when the RMB was clicked. The co-ordinance also appear in the lower left hand hint box.
Tag point: This Tags the point below the mouse for reference in later operations of positioning and alignment. The tagged point then appears in red.
Wireframe Solid Textured: Each view can be set to one of these three rendering modes. The commands in this menu lets you select the mode for the view you right-clicked on. You can set the mode for all views at once in the Layout menu.
Background image: When selected, this will open a dialog box where you can choose a .bmp image file to place and display in the 2D view that the cursor was in when the RMB was clicked. This is the second of this menus extended items. Detailed information on its use and capabilities can be found in its Index section below.
Add Camera Position: This item only appears on this menu when the RMB is clicked in the 3D view and nothing is selected. When selected, this will open its dialog box where you can add a new 'Camera view' for a quick jump to see your work from a different preset angle when this camera icon is clicked in the Tree-view. This is the final extended item of this menu. Detailed information on its use and capabilities can be found in its own section under Floating 3D windows in the Infobase docs.

 Bot Waypointer

cdunde - 05 Apr 2018   [ Top ] 
Although a more 'Game Specific' (Quake 2) function, this particular menu item will lead you to a very powerful and useful tool that deals with the entering and handling of game bots.

This menu items actual function is to paste a bot waypoint, a position point to control a bots movement through a map, into the map.
To paste a bot waypoint, you must first have copied (CTRL+C) a single 'dup botwaypointerpoint' entity into the clipboard.
This action also creates a new targetname for the waypoint, and keeps it aligned with the previous waypoint selected.
Creating 'bot' type maps is supported with the installation and use of a special editor which is covered in detail on its registering with QuArK, its functional applications and use in its own section of the Infobase docs called the Bot Waypoint Editor.
To the right and below we are showing a 'screen shot' listing of the QuArK Configuration area that handles this installation and registering step for QuArK.
For a quick and brief run down of these steps, go to QuArK's Configuration Games section and select Quake 2.
Click the 'Add-ons...' icon button to open the 'Game Configuration' window and click on its 'Add...' button.
The 'Add...' window will open and show a listing of all available .qrk file addons. From that list select the BotWaypointer.qrk addon and click the 'Ok' icon button to register it.
You can now close all the open windows and proceed to the section below.
This is also covered in the Bot Waypoint Editor section with a more descriptive tutorial for its setup and use.

 Background image

cdunde - 05 Apr 2018   [ Top ] 

When selected, this will open a dialog box where you can choose a .bmp image file to place & display in the 2D view that the cursor was in when the RMB was clicked.

Background image file: When the '...' File selection button is clicked a 'Background image file' window will open (shown further down) enabling you to easily browse and select the supported image file you wish to use.
Coordinates of the center: The image will be centered at these coordinates in the 2D view that was clicked on last. The default value is 0 0 0, or the center of the view grid. This can be changed to position the image to exactly where you need it and it will remain at that same location as you zoom or pan in the view.
Scale: The size of the image can also be set to a proper scale that will fit your needs, 1 is its full image size.
Center on picture center: The center of the image will be used for its placement in the clicked view.
Copy picture: This will cause the image to be tiled, repeated, over the entire clicked view area.
Poly No Fill: As shown in the view shot to the right, a selected poly is normally filled solid with a predefined color (lower part shown), in this case blue. However, when working with a background image, this will block out the image making it very hard to work with. The 'Poly No Fill', when checked, removes this fill color (upper part shown) allowing the image to be seen. This can also be changed in the Map Options configuration section.
Color Guide: When the 'Poly No Fill' option is used the selected polys outline shape only is drawn. But because each image has a contrasting color that shows up better, the 'Color Guide' lets you select the color that works best for you. This can also be changed in the Map Colors configuration section.
Apply and view changes: This button 'activates' the above changes and selections, but it will NOT close the dialog box, so you can see how the image appears in the 2D view and make any necessary adjustments or select another image to use instead.
Remove background image: To remove a background image after you have finished with it, simply RMB click in an unused section of the map select 'Background image' and then click this button.
Close this dialog: does exactly that. Any changes or selection that have not been activated by the 'Apply and view changes' button above will not take effect and any currently set items will remain in effect.

Background image file window: The image to the right shows the window that will pop-up when you click on the 'Background image file' button '...' that was covered above earlier.
This will let you navigate to and select the .bmp image you wish to use. The menu that is shown here is a standard system menu that can be used to 'Preview' an image before you actually select it for the editor. You can also 'Rename', copy and even 'Delete' it if you wish.
These are very effective and time efficient functions and we encourage their use.
However, even though you have chosen a particular image, you still always have the option in the 'Background image' dialog to change or remove an image at any time as we have covered above.

 Add Camera Position

cdunde - 05 Apr 2018   [ Top ] 
Add Camera Position: This item only appears on the No Selection RMB menu when the RMB is clicked in the 3D view and nothing is selected. When selected, this will open its dialog box (shown to the right here) where you can add a new 'Camera view' for a quick jump to see your work from a different preset angle when this camera icon is clicked in the Tree-view. This is the final extended item of this menu. Detailed information on its use and capabilities can be found in its own section under Floating 3D windows in the Infobase docs.

Copyright (c) 2022, GNU General Public License by The QuArK (Quake Army Knife) Community - https://quark.sourceforge.io/

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