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Animation tool-palette
Updated 05 Apr 2018
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1.5. Model-editor in QuArK
1.5.6. Tool-palettes Animation tool-palette

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 Animate on\off

cdunde - 05 Apr 2018   [ Top ] 

This button will activate or de-activate the animation of the selected model component animation frames.

You must select two or more frames of the same component and no other sub-items for the animation to become available.

To return to regular operation mode you must click this button to turn 'Off' the animation function.

 AnimateCFG on\off

cdunde - 05 Apr 2018   [ Top ] 

This button will activate or de-activate the animationCFG of the selected model component animation frames.

Only used for .md3 Player type models with tags and a animation.cfg file in its folder.

You must select one Tag with the CFG text which would be a torso tag and have imported all sections of that model, which will cause the animation.cfg file of that model to also be loaded for the animation to become available.

To return to regular operation mode you must click this button to turn 'Off' the animation cfg function. See the section on Tags System for further detail of their use and functions.

 FPS (frames per second)

cdunde - 05 Apr 2018   [ Top ] 

FPS or frames per second is the setting as to how fast or slow the selected model component animation frames will be drawn in the 'Selected Views' of the editor.

You can select a preset menu fps speed, use the arrows to the right of the menu or click on Other... to get the Custom FPS dialog box to pop-up to set your own speed.

The up arrow will increase the fps by one and the down arrow will decrease the fps by one on each click.

For the Custom FPS dialog you must press the Enter key for the fps amount to become active.
Clicking the X button will only close the dialog box without changing the setting.

Any of these methods can be used while the frames are being animated and will change that animation rate.


cdunde - 05 Apr 2018   [ Top ] 

Click this button to temporarily pause the chosen animation sequence on the particular frame that was drawn when this button was clicked.
Click this button again to continue on with the animation from that frame.

If another frame of the chosen sequence is selected during the pause, it will continue from that point.
The entire frame sequence selection can also be changed during a pause.
Any single frame of that component can be viewed by clicking on it during a pause without loosing the chosen sequence of frames to animate.
If a component has more then one skin, the skin can also be changed during the pause.

 Interpolation on\off

cdunde - 05 Apr 2018   [ Top ] 

This button will activate or de-activate the interpolation (give smooth animation) of the selected model component animation frames.

Interpolation calculates additional movement positions between two frames and draws them to smooth out the movement between those two frames.

To return to regular animation mode you must click this button to turn 'Off' the interpolation function.

 Smooth Looping on\off

cdunde - 05 Apr 2018   [ Top ] 

This button will activate or de-activate smooth looping, giving a smoother animation appearance of the selected model component animation frames when returning from the last to the first frame.

To return to regular looping mode you must click this button again to turn 'Off' this function.

 IPF (interpolation frames)

cdunde - 05 Apr 2018   [ Top ] 

IPF or interpolation frames is the setting as to how many added computed position frames will be added to the selected model component animation to be drawn in the selected view(s) of the editor.

You can select a menu fps speed or use the arrows to the right to increase or decrease that number while the frames are being animated.

Or click on Other... to get the Custom IPF dialog box to pop-up to set your own amout.

 Selected Views

cdunde - 05 Apr 2018   [ Top ] 

These buttons will allow you to freeze any one, or combination of, the editor's views during animation and continue to animate any view that is re-activated by clicking on its button once again.

The 'FPS (frames per second)' speed that are animated may be effected by the number of views that are frozen and\or different items that are also being drawn such as face outlining.

The icons for each view, from left to right, are:

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