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Right Mouse Button (RMB) Menus
Updated 05 Apr 2018
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 1.5.5. Right Mouse Button (RMB) Menus

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This is a special section that only covers the Model Editor's RMB menus.

New commands are constantly being added to the all menus. If there is no F1 help for some command, or you can not understand what it says, post to the QuArK messageboard for help (and a heads-up to the docco writers).

Most of the commands on the menus also have hot keys (accelerators), which you can customize from Configuration at the bottom of the 'Options menu'.


 Tree-view RMB menus

cdunde - 05 Apr 2018   [ Top ] 

There are a number of RMB menus that apply specifically to the Tree-view and are pretty well self explanatory so we will only cover a couple of them that need it.

Expand Sub-items  : This will expand all of this items sub-folders and their sub-folders on down.

Auto Frame Renaming  :Some models consist of more then one component. If so, their frame names should always match. When checked, if a frame of one component is renamed, this will cause the same frame of all the other related components to be renamed also automatically.

Force to grid  : This will cause any vertex to snap to the nearest location on the editor's grid.

Cut  : Cut the selection to the clipboard.

Copy  : Copy the selection to the clipboard.

Paste  : Paste a model object from the clipboard.

Duplicate  : This makes a copy of the selected object(s), but not all of them. Primarily components and frames, it gives each new item its own name by adding the next numerical sequence of its group. With frames it drops it at the end of its group. This avoids errors with other functions. Also handles skins, but no renaming, and multiple items, even in different groups and components.

Delete  : Delete the selection.

Show Component  : This works in conjunction with the Hide Component function below. It will redisplay the selected model component in the editor's view and cause it to become active again.

Hide Component  : This works in conjunction with the Show Component function above. When the selected model component is in this state it will not be drawn in the editor's view and becomes inactive for various functions.

Save Skin File  : Opens a file save window and allows you to save the selected skin as various types of image files.
         NOTE: You can NOT save another type as a .pcx file because they do not have a palette like .pcx files do, this will only cause an error.
         You CAN save a .pcx file to another file type like .tga though.

Match Frame Count  : This will duplicate the number of frames in the selected components with the one that has the most frames in it. It will not copy the frames, only how many there are.

Check Components  : This checks components for any errors in them that might exist. At this time just for Match Frame Count but more will be added in the future. However it does give more info about them.

Duplicate Current Frame  : This copies a single frame that is currently selected and adds that copy to that model component's animation frames list just below the frame being copied. This can be used multiple times for the same single original frame. For multiple frame copies use the Duplicate function on the Edit menu.

Face Commands  : Performs the same as the Editor Views RMB menus item. Please click the menu link for a detail description and its use.

Force to grid  : Performs the same as the above RMB menu item.

Cut  : Performs the same as the above RMB menu item.

Copy  : Performs the same as the above RMB menu item.

Paste  : Performs the same as the above RMB menu item.

Delete  : Performs the same as the above RMB menu item.

 Editor Views RMB menus

cdunde - 05 Apr 2018   [ Top ] 

Undo  : This will display the last Undo\Redo action item that has taken place if any.

Paste here  : This is a simple paste command to drop something you have copied into one of the editors views if it can be.

BBox Commands  : This is the link to the BBox Commands sub-menu that will appear when your courser is over it and are covered in detail below.

Tag Commands  : This is the link to the Tag Commands sub-menu that will appear when your courser is over it and are covered in detail below.

Bone Commands  : This is the link to the Bone Commands sub-menu that will appear when your courser is over it. To activate this menu item you must have the Linear Drag Handles button de-activated (in vertex mode) and select either the Skeleton folder or a model component's Frames folder or at least one frame or bone within one of those folders, then this menu item will activate. Individual items will become active on its sub-menu depending on your selections and cursor placement over a bone handle. These are strictly bone related and are covered in detail below.

Face Commands  : This is the link to the Face Commands sub-menu that will appear when your courser is over it. To implement this menu you must have the Linear Drag Handles button activated (in face mode) and select at least one face in a model component, then this menu item will appear. These are strictly face (triangle) related and are covered in detail below.

Vertex Commands  : This is the link to the Vertex Commands sub-menu that will appear when your courser is over it. To activate this menu item you must have the Linear Drag Handles button de-activated (in vertex mode) and select at least one frame in a model component's Frames folder, then this menu item will activate. These are strictly vertex related and are covered in detail below.

Search  : This is the link to the Search sub-menu that will appear when your courser is over it and are covered in detail below.

Commands  : This is the link to the Commands sub-menu that will appear when your courser is over it. These are the same commands located on the 'Commands' menu of the Main menu bar and are more Triangle related. These are also covered in detail below.

Keyframe Commands  : Keyframe functions create additional animation frames for movement between two selected frames.
The number of additional frames to be created is the amount set on the Animation toolbar IPF button - 1.
For example, if you want 3 fill frames added between the two selected keyframes, set the IPF button to 4. To use these functions you must select two frames of the same component. If they are not consecutive frames (one right after the other) then all frames in between the two will be replaced with the newly created frames. You can also select other components for their same frames to be included. If a component has Tags, such as imported .md3 Quake3 models, all of its related imported components and their tags will also be included without having to select them. But not all of the components of that particular .md3 model that were imported separately. So be sure to select those components also if you want them included. They are strictly frame and component related and are covered in detail below.

Bone Options  : These functions deal with the Model Bone visual tools to work with. They are strictly bone related and are covered in detail below.

Editor Face Options  : These functions deal with the Model Mesh selection methods available and various visual tools to work with. They are strictly face related and are covered in detail below.

Editor Vertex Options  : These functions deal with the Model Mesh selection methods available and various visual tools to work with. They are strictly vertex related and are covered in detail below.

Auto Frame Renaming  :Some models consist of more then one component. If so, their frame names should always match. When checked, if a frame of one component is renamed, this will cause the same frame of all the other related components to be renamed also automatically.

Reset 3D view  : If the model becomes 'lost', goes out of the 3D view, you can use this function to reset the 3D view and bring the model back to its starting position when it was first opened and based on the 'Rotation Method' you last chose to rotate the model by.

Draw Bounding Boxes  : When checked this activates the display of model bounding boxes if any. Also known as hit boxes for Half-Life and by other names for different model formats.

Use Component Colors  : When checked this activates the display of individual component colors, which can be set on the Specifics page, to distinguish one model component mesh area from another.

Each view can be set to one of three rendering modes :

Wireframe  : The model mesh will be drawn as lines. This is the fastest drawing-method of the model-views.

Solid  : Each model is drawn in a single, solid color or shades of that color. This means that you won't be able to 'see-through' the model once it is in view.

Textured  : The model is displayed with its full texture applied for the finished "skinned" look.

Background image...  : When selected, this will open a dialog box where you can choose any image file the QuArK supports to place and display in the 2D view that the cursor was in when the RMB was clicked. Click here for full detailed information about its functions and settings.

Tag Commands sub-menu : This is the sub-menu described above and its functions.

Add Tag Here  : You must select one or more components to use this function. This will add a single tag to the Misc group.
Show Tags  : This allows all tags to be displayed in the editor's views.
Hide Tags  : This stops all tags from being displayed in the editor's views.

Bone Commands sub-menu : This is the sub-menu described above and its functions.

Add Bone Here  : This will add a single bone to the editor's Skeleton group.
Continue Bones  : This will add a single bone, connected to the last bone, in the editor's Skeleton group.
Attach Bone 1 to 2  : This will attach the first selected bone in the tree-view to the second selected bone in the tree-view.
Attach Bone 2 to 1  : This will attach the second selected bone in the tree-view to the first selected bone in the tree-view.
Detach Bones  : This will detach two selected bones attached handles from one another in the Skeleton group.
Align Bone 1 to 2  : This will align the first selected bone in the tree-view to the second selected bone in the tree-view, but not attach them.
Align Bone 2 to 1  : This will align the second selected bone in the tree-view to the first selected bone in the tree-view, but not attach them.
Assign \ Release BBox  : BBox is a polyhedron box that is called by different names and are used for different things based on a game models format. Commonly it surrounds an area for a 'hitbox', 'collision', 'bounding box'... When a BBox is selected and a RMB click on the center of a bone is made, then that BBox can be assigned to that bone, or release from that bone if both have not already been assigned to something else that would cause a conflict. To properly position the BBox on the bone, use its center handle and drag it to the coords 0,0,0 in the editor's views BEFORE you assign it to a bone. Once assigned you can change the BBox size by dragging its side handles, the corner handles will NOT hold its shape.
Assign \ Release Vertices  : When vertices of a component are selected, RMB click on the center of a bone, then click this item to assign them to, or release them from ,that bone. Combinations of both can be done at the same time.
Set Handle Position  : Active when one or more vertexes are selected that are assigned to that bone handle. Click this item to position and set that bone handle centered within those vertexes. An 'offset' can also be applied to this setting.
Select (bone handle name) Vertexes  : When the cursor is over a bone's Center handle with vertexes assigned to it, click this item to select all of them from that bone's handle. Or, if another handle is attached that has the vertexes assigned to it instead, then those are the vertexes that will be selected. If no vertexes have been assigned to any handle at that location, then the menu item will show disabled.
Select (bone handle name) handle position Vertexes  : When the cursor is over a bone's Center handle with vertexes assigned to it, click this item to select the vertexes used to set that bone's handle position. Or, if another handle is attached that has the vertexes assigned to it instead, then those are the position vertexes for that handle that will be selected. If no vertexes have been assigned to any handle at that location, then the menu item will show disabled.
Add \ Remove Control  : This will add or remove a single bone controle, connected to the bone handle when the RMB was clicked in the editor's view.
Individual Bones Selection  : (Unless a function specifically deals with all bones) When this item is checked ONLY the INDIVIDUAL bone handles that are selected will be effected and NOT any sub-bones that are NOT specifically selected, Which IS the case if this is un-checked.
Handle Scaling  : These functions deal with setting the scale size of the bone handles for better work size. These are covered in detail below. Click on this menu item, shown in blue above, to see the sub-menu and its items below.
Show Bones  : This allows all bones to be displayed in the editor's views.
Hide Bones  : This stops all bones from being displayed in the editor's views.
Structure Bones  : When clicked this function will place all bones inside their 'parent' bones in the tree-view.
Extract Bones  : When clicked this function will move all bones outside of their 'parent' bones in the tree-view.
Force to grid  : This will cause a bone's center handle to snap to the nearest location on the editor's grid for the view that the RMB click was made in.

Handle Scaling sub-menu : This is the sub-menu described above and its functions.

Scale selected bone handles  : If this menu item is checked, all bones that are currently selected, and their attached bones, will have their handles set to different scale sizes for easer access. See Individual Bones Selection on main Bones menu for additional option.
Reset selected handles to org. scale  : If this menu item is checked, all bones that are currently selected, and their attached bones, will have their handles reset to their original imported or saved scale sizes. See Individual Bones Selection on main Bones menu for additional option.
Set selected bone handles to 1.0  : If this menu item is checked, all bones that are currently selected, and their attached bones, will have their handles reset to the default scale size of 1.0. See Individual Bones Selection on main Bones menu for additional option.
Save selected handle scales  : If this menu item is checked, all bones that are currently selected, and their attached bones, will have their handles scale sizes saved, becoming their original setting. See Individual Bones Selection on main Bones menu for additional option.
Scale all bone handles  : If this menu item is checked, all bones will have their handles set to different scale sizes for easer access.
Reset all handles to org. scale  : If this menu item is checked, all bones will have their handles reset to their original imported or saved scale sizes.
Set all handles to 1.0  : If this menu item is checked, all bones will have their handles reset to the default scale size of 1.0.
Save all handle scales  : If this menu item is checked, all bones will have their handles scale sizes saved, becoming their original setting.

Face Commands sub-menu : This is the sub-menu described above and its functions.

Empty Component  : This will create a new Clean Model component. This funciton is also located on the Face RMB menu below, please click on the menu link for this functions full description and use.
New Component  : This will create a new model component of currently selected Model Mesh faces. This funciton is also located on the Face RMB menu below, please click on the menu link for this functions full description and use.
Move Faces To  : This will move currently selected Model Mesh faces to another component. This item creates its own sub-menu consisting of all available components of the model that is currently in the Model Editor. This funciton is also located on the Face RMB menu below, please click on the menu link for this functions full description and use.
Copy Faces To  : This will copy currently selected Model Mesh faces to another component. This item creates its own sub-menu consisting of all available components of the model that is currently in the Model Editor. This funciton is also located on the Face RMB menu below, please click on the menu link for this functions full description and use.
Delete Faces  : This will delete currently selected Model Mesh faces. This funciton is also located on the Face RMB menu below, please click on the menu link for this functions full description and use.

Vertex Commands sub-menu : This is the sub-menu described above and its functions.

Add Vertex Here  : This will add a single vertex to the currently selected model component (and all of its animation frames) to make a new triangle. This funciton is also located on the Vertex RMB menu below, please click on the menu link for this functions full description and use.
Clear Pick list  : This funciton is also located on the Vertex RMB menu below, please click on the menu link for this functions full description.
Align mesh vertex  : This funciton is also located on the Vertex RMB menu below, please click on the menu link for this functions full description and use.
Align Vertex Options  : This sub-menu list is also located on the Vertex RMB menu below, please click on the menu link for this functions full description and use.
Merge Vertexes  : This funciton is also located on the Vertex RMB menu below, please click on the menu link for this functions full description and use.
Add Triangle  :This adds a new triangle to the currently selected component.
Reverse Direction  :Normally, in QuArK, creating a new triangles vertexes in a 'clockwise' direction will produce a triangle that faces 'outwards'. But sometimes this does not work for adding new triangles to existing ones. Activating this function (checking it) will reverse that direction causing the triangle to face the opposite way.
Delete Triangle  : This removes a triangle from the currently selected component.

Search sub-menu : This is the sub-menu described above and its functions.

Find Vertices  : This function selects the vertices entered for the component currently selected or selected from the drop down box. Place a comma between each vertex entered to find more then one.
Find Faces  : This function selects the faces entered for the component currently selected or selected from the drop down box. Place a comma between each face entered to find more then one.
Find Skin Vertices  : This function selects the Skin-view vertexes entered for the component currently selected or selected from the drop down box. Place a comma between each face entered to find more then one.
Find Skin Faces  : This function selects the Skin-view face vertexes for the faces entered of the component currently selected or selected from the drop down box. Place a comma between each face entered to find more then one.
Find Objects  : This function will search for objects by their type (the type of model object it represents, a bone, skin, frame...).
Find Camera Positions  : This finds all the camera positions.
Editor next shot  : This selects and sets the next camera shot for the Editor's 3D view in the group. Cycling - Depress (default) 'F3' to switch to the next view.
Editor prev shot  : Selects and sets the previous camera shot for the Editor's 3D view in the group. Cycling - Depress (default) 'F4' to switch to the previous.
Editor 3D shot  : This creates a camera shot of the current editor's 3D view in either standard or True 3D mode. Depressing the Hotkey (default) 'F5' will do the same thing.
Full 3D shot  : This creates a camera shot of the current Full 3D view in either standard or True 3D mode. Depressing the Hotkey (default) 'F6' will do the same thing.
Full 3D next shot  : This selects and sets the next camera shot for the floating 3D Window in the group. Cycling - Depress (default) 'F7' to switch to the next view.
Full 3D prev shot  : Selects and sets the previous camera shot for the floating 3D Window in the group. Cycling - Depress (default) 'F8' to switch to the previous.

Commands sub-menu : This is the sub-menu described further above and its functions in detail.

It is a duplication of the Commands menu on the editor's main menu bar for easer and quicker access. Please click on the menu link above for this sub-menu's functions full descriptions.
Duplicate Current Frame  : This copies a single frame that is currently selected and adds that copy to that model component's animation frames list. For multiple frame copies use the 'Duplicate' function on the 'Edit' menu.
Match Frame Count  : This will duplicate the number of frames in the selected components with the one that has the most frames in it. It will not copy the frames, only how many there are.
Check Components  : This checks components for any errors in them that might exist.
Auto Assemble  : Some models are made up of seperate model files for example .md3 files. This function attempts to auto-load those related models model files and attach them using what is known as tags to match them up correctly.
X Y Z Axis locks  : All three of these items work in the same manor but are independent from one another. They restrict any vertex movement in their related direction for all views and are interactive with their corrisponding buttons on the View Selection tool-palette.

Keyframe Commands sub-menu : This is the sub-menu described above and its functions in detail. More will be added as they are developed.

Linear Interpolation  : This will create movement in a straight line from the first frame selected to the second frame selected for all components selected (if more then one).

Bone Options sub-menu : This is the sub-menu described above and its functions in detail.
(also located on the Options menu)
Match Bone Lines Color  : When checked the bone lines color displayed during a drag will match the handle color being dragged.
Draw Bone Handles Only  : When checked only the bone handles are displayed to increase drawing speed during and after a drag.
Only Draw Drag Bones  : When checked only all the bone handles being dragged are displayed to increase drawing speed during a drag.
Make All Draglines  : When checked allows all bone handles draglines to be created but will decrease drawing speed & increase model importing time.
Only applies at time of model importing and will have no effect once it has. If not used sufficient draglines to see what is being moved and how will still be drawn.

Editor Face Options sub-menu : This is the sub-menu described above and its functions in detail.
(also located on the Options menu)
Sync Skin-view with Editor views  : When checked this will synchronize the Skin-view with the Editor views for either of the active selection options below, Show selection in Skin-view and Pass selection to Skin-view.
Show selection in Skin-view  : Because the Skin-view and the rest of the editor views work independently, this will pass selected editor model mesh triangle faces to the 'Skin-view' to be outlined and distinguish them. However, it does not actually select them in the Skin-view. Any selections or deselections will not show in the 'Skin-view' until the mouse buttons have been released. The Skin-view outline color can be changed in the Colors Options settings.
Pass selection to Skin-view  : This function will pass selected editor model mesh triangle faces and select the coordinated skin triangles in the Skin-view where they can be used for editing purposes. Once the selection has been passed, if this function is turned off, the selection will remain in the Skin-view for its use there. Any selections or deselections will not show in the Skin-view until the mouse buttons have been released. The Skin-view selected face outline color can be changed in the Colors Options settings.
No face drag lines  : This will stop the selection and drawing of all drag lines when model mesh faces have been selected which can increase the selection speed of the editor dramatically when a model with a large number of face triangles is being edited.
No face outlines  : This will stop the outlining of any models mesh faces have been selected. This will increase the drawing speed of the editor dramatically when a model with a large number of face triangles is being edited. The solid fill of selected faces will still be available.
No face outlines while moving in 2D views  : Face outlining can be very taxing on the editors drawing speed when panning (scrolling) or zooming in the 2D views when a lot of the models mesh faces have been selected. This is because so many views need to be redrawn repeatedly. If you experience this problem check this option to increase the drawing and movement speed. The lines will be redrawn at the end of the move.
No selection fill  : This stops the color filling and backface pattern from being drawn for any of the models mesh faces that are selected. Only the outline of the selected faces will be drawn. This will not apply for any view that has its Fill in Mesh function active (checked) in the Views Options dialog.
Front faces only  : This will only allow the solid color filling of the front faces to be drawn for any of the models mesh faces that are selected. The back faces will be outlined allowing the models texture to be displayed if the view is in Textured mode. This will not apply for any view that has its Fill in Mesh function active (checked) in the Views Options dialog.
Back faces only  : This will only allow the drawing of the backface pattern to be drawn for any of the models mesh faces that are selected. The front faces will be outlined allowing the models texture to be displayed if the view is in 'Textured' mode. This will not apply for any view that has its Fill in Mesh function active (checked) in the Views Options dialog.

Editor Vertex Options sub-menu : This is the sub-menu described above and its functions in detail.
(also located on the Options menu)
Sync Skin-view with Editor views  : This function will turn off other related options and synchronize selected Editor views mesh vertexes, passing and selecting the coordinated Skin mesh vertexes in the Skin-view, where they can be used for editing purposes. Any selection changes in the Editor views will be updated to the Skin-view as well. Once the selection has been passed, if this function is turned off, the selection will remain in both the Editor and the Skin-view for further use. The Skin-view and Editor views selected vertex colors can be changed in the Colors Options settings.
Pass selection to Skin-view  : This function will pass selected Editor model mesh vertexes and select the coordinated Model Skin mesh vertexes in the Skin-view, along with any others currently selected, where they can be used for editing purposes. Once the selection has been passed, if this function is turned off, the selection will remain in the Skin-view for its use there. The Editor's selected vertex colors can be changed in the Colors Options settings.
No vertex drag lines  : This stops the multi selected Editor model mesh vertexes drag lines from being drawn, but not the vertex outlines. Single vertex drag lines will also still be drawn.

 Face RMB menu

cdunde - 05 Apr 2018   [ Top ] 

Empty Component  : This will create a new Clean Model component. To use this function you must select at least one face of another component and have the Linear Drag Handles button active (clicked on). All Frames will be there but without any vertexes or triangle faces. Also the Skins and Skeleton sub-items will be empty as well for a fresh start. Skins or faces can then be moved or copied there from other components but do NOT change its name until you have at least one face (triangle) created or it will not appear on the move\copy to menus. Skin textures can also be selected from the Texture Browser if you have those setup.

New Component  : This will create a new model component of currently selected Model Mesh faces only, including its Skins, Frames and Skeleton sub-items. The selected faces will also be removed from their current components group. Once created you can change the temporary name new component to something else by clicking on it.

Move Faces To  : This will move currently selected Model Mesh faces from one component to another (if NOT Hidden) by means of a menu (shown to the right here) that will appear listing all available components to choose from. If none others exist it will instruct you to create a New Component first, using the function above this one on the RMB menu.

Copy Faces To  : This will copy currently selected Model Mesh faces from one component to another (if NOT Hidden) by means of a menu (shown to the right here) that will appear listing all available components to choose from. If none others exist it will instruct you to create a New Component first, using the function above this one in the RMB menu.

Delete Faces  : This will delete currently selected Model Mesh faces from the currently selected component and any unused vertexes, by other faces (triangles), of those faces.

Special Notes:

Any new triangle(s) that are created will still need to be Skinned on the Skin-view page for proper viewing and completion of the triangle(s). Any triangles that are moved or copied to another component may not need to be Skinned if the new component is using the same skin as the component the triangles were moved or copied from.

All of these functions actions will be specifically identified on the Undo/Redo dialog of the Edit menu and can easily be reversed.

If all of the faces (triangles) are moved from one component to another, the original component becomes a dead component and can be deleted.

 Vertex RMB menu

cdunde - 05 Apr 2018   [ Top ] 

Add Vertex Here  : This will add a single vertex to the currently selected model component (and all of its animation frames) to make a new triangle. You need 3 new vertexes to make a triangle. You can also make a new triangle by creating just one or two new vertexes and then use pre-existing vertexes to complete the group of three. Then select each vertex using the RMB menu when your cursor is over one of the vertexes you wish to use. Once all three have been 'picked' then RMB click on any open area (area that the model is not in) of any view to get the Editor Views RMB menus, covered above, and select 'Commands' then 'Add Triangle'. This can be done from the editor's main 'Commands' menu as well.

Remove Vertex  : This will remove a vertex from the component and all of its animation frames. WARNING, if the vertex is part of an existing triangle it will ALSO remove that triangle as well. If this does happen and is an unwanted action, simply use the Undo function to reverse its removal.

Pick Base Vertex\Change Base Vertex  : This item performs two functions:
1st - This is used to pick, or remove, the Base vertex to align other vertexes to in one of the editor's views.
           It also works in conjunction with the Clear Pick list below it.
2nd - This is used to select another vertex as the Base vertex to align other vertexes to in one of the editor's views.
           It also works in conjunction with the Clear Pick list below it.

Pick Vertex  : This is used for picking 3 vertexes to create a triangle with. It also works in conjunction with the Clear Pick list below. You need 3 vertexes to make a triangle. Once all 3 have been 'picked' use the Add Triangle funciton on the 'Commands' sub-menu, covered in detail above, to create a the triangle.

Clear Pick list  : This Clears the 'Pick Vertex' list of all vertexes and it becomes active when one or more vertexes have been selected. The list can contain a maximum of three individual vertex selections to do two things with, Add Triangle or Delete Triangle which are both commands on the 'Commands' sub-menu covered in detail above. Once a vertex has been 'picked' it will be displayed in all views as a larger and different color vertex then those not 'picked'. If a vertex that has been 'picked' is picked a second time it will be removed from the list and return to its normal appearance and another vertex can then be selected to take its place in the list.

Align mesh vertex  : Once a set of vertexes have been Picked in one of the editor views all of those vertexes will be moved to the Base (stationary) vertex (the first one selected) location and aligned with that Base vertex. It also works in conjunction with the Clear Pick list above it.

Align Vertex Options  : This menu gives different methods of aligning Picked vertexes to the Base vertex.
           Align vertexes-method 1  : This method will align, move, other selected vertexes to the Base vertex position
                      of each tree-view selected frame.
           Align vertexes-method 2  : This method will align, move, other selected vertexes to the Base vertex position
                      of the 1st tree-view selected frame.

Merge Vertexes  : When two or more vertexes have been Picked in one of the editor views this function becomes active allowing the picked vertexes be moved to the Base (stationary) vertex (the first one selected) location and aligned with that Base vertex where they will then be merged into the one 'Base' vertex. Two vertexes of the same face (triangle) can not be selected. This function also works in conjunction with the 'Clear Pick list' above it.

Force to grid  : This will cause any vertex to 'snap' to the nearest location on the editor's grid for the view that the RMB click was made in.

Special Notes:

Once a new triangle(s) has been created it still needs to be Skinned on the Skin-view page for proper viewing and completion of the triangle(s). At first, the new triangle(s) may appear at a distant position of the Skin-view, You can move the vertexes individually or do a LMB drag to select them, then using the Linear Movement Handle (which will appear automatically) relocate them all at once on the Skin-view.

 BBox RMB menu

cdunde - 05 Apr 2018   [ Top ] 

This menu will change depending on if the bbox has been assigned to a bone or component or if it is not assigned to anything at the moment.

Assign BBox To  : You need to select a single BBox to use this function. This will assign a selected bounding box to the component (if NOT Hidden) you select by means of a menu that will appear listing all available components to choose from, if any.

Assign Vtxs To BBox  : You need to have some vertexes and a single BBox selected to use this function. This will assign a selected bounding box to the selected vertexes of a component (if NOT Hidden) you must first select the vertexes then Ctrl select a bbox.

Release BBox  : This will release the selected bounding box assigned to the component (if NOT Hidden) you select by means of a menu that will appear listing the component it is assigned to.

Select BBoxes  : This will select all the bounding boxes assigned to the component (if NOT Hidden) you select by means of a menu that will appear listing all available components to choose from, if any.

Release BBoxes  : This will release all the bounding boxes assigned to the component (if NOT Hidden) you select by means of a menu that will appear listing all available components to choose from, if any.

Hide this bbox  : This will hide the bbox from view. To make the bbox reappear you must do a RMB click on it in the tree-view to get a menu and click on Show this bbox.

Force to grid  : This will cause the center of the bbox to snap to the grid, if the grid is active.

Coordinates...  : This will bring up a dialog box displaying the bbox coordinates and which you can change to relocate the bbox, if it is not assigned to a bone or component.

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